Pa, digital manipulation with minimalistic poem Pa, C-print, dimensions variable
Literary writing, selection:
Poems in Dutch, work in progress
Graphic novel Mnemosyne, work in progres
Change the world project, interactive art with poetry, click and images, 2011-2015
Armen Benen, 53rd Biennial in Venice, 2009, IT
The Evolution of Spectacle, short stories and an installation with
found object, neon light and audio, Kunstvlaai 2009, NL
Limeni pas u suturenu, poems in: Odgovor, art journal, 2009, RS
Short stories, publisher ALMA, 2000, RS
Pa, perfromance with flags and minimalistic poem Pa, dimensions variable
Armen Benen
groene thee op je lippen
Dag is [Nacht]
totdat je kan
Armen benen In de reclame is alles Veel beter Veel mooier Veel stommer
dan stom
Armen benen armen benen
Armen benen armen benen Totdat jij in de slaap valt

Poem Armen Benen is a part of performance showed at the 53rd Venice
Biennale Eventi Collaterali - Virtual Mercury Poetry Shuttle Landing
on Second Life
Om Ritam
Ritam tvojih misli preplice se sa ritmom kise
I po neko aaA
Protrce kroz moja cula
Kao plava lopta
Prelazim mostove i barijere
Sve do savrsenog mira
Tecna prasina i spoznaja
Ratnik bez neprijatelja
Prislanjam glavu na hladnu kupolu sveta
Odavde sve izgleda cistije
Ali puls tvoj se ne menja
Srasta samnom
Secam se da smo medju galaksijama
Izgubili trag secanjima
Pomesala se namera sa pitanjem
Pesnik i Rec
Gledam je iz prikrajka
Udara u kavez smisla besno
Zna sta je ceka
Dresiracu je
U sred cirkuske arene
Skakace kroz kolutove
Gladna i pitoma